Labia puffing is a minor office procedure that enhances the volume of the labia majora by transferring fat from other areas such as the thighs, hips or buttocks. Restoring lost volume gives the majora a fuller, more youthful appearance.
This procedure can restore volume lost during the natural aging process, correct asymmetry of the labia majora, hide protruding labia minora or, it can be paired with a Labiaplasty procedure for total vaginal rejuvenation.
After labia puffing in Gainesville, women report feeling more confident about their bodies with less discomfort or embarassment during sexual intercourse or exercise.
Below we will discuss the details of the labia puff procedure, the recovery process, results and pricing so you can determine if a labia puffing is right for you.
As you age, skin loses elasticity, wrinkles become more pronounced and you can experience volume loss in areas such your cheeks & temples but aging doesn’t stop at your face. Even your vagina can experience the unfortunate signs of aging.
Collagen and estrogen help to keep skin plump and elastic. As you age, and you experience a declining in collagen and estrogen production, your skin thins, becomes less elastic and loses volume. This can lead to wrinkles and lax skin, even in the labia majora.
Adding fat to the the majora “puffs” the skin up, restoring the plump, youthful appearance that many women desire.
Labia puffing is a minor office procedure safely performed under local anesthesia. Fat is taken from another part of the body, usually the hip, abdomen or thigh, then purified.
Dr.Sadove will then gently numb the area with local anesthetic and inject the cleaned fat into the labia majora with the use of small, specialized needles. The amount of fat needed to achieve the proper result will vary from patient to patient. Once the fat has been injected, the labia immediately appear fuller and with less wrinkling.
Women may experience mild pain in the location where the fat was collected as well as the in the labia. The labia may appear more full than desired at first due to the inection of local anesthetic. This additional swelling should subside within 24-48 hours and you may return to your normal daily activities. Our staff at Sadove Plastic Surgery will provide you with complete instructions for aftercare to ensure that you can safely and comfortably recover at home.
Since the patient’s own fat was used, there is no risk of rejecting the filler material and the results long lasting.
According to Real Self, the average cost of Labia Puffing in the United States is approximately $2,125 but pricing may vary based on your geographical location, if combined with other treatments or the surgeon’s experience.
You can feel comfortable knowing that Dr. Richard Sadove is a board certified Plastic Surgeon with over 35 years experience and one of the few Plastic Surgeons in the USA to have completed a Fellowship in Genital Reconstructive Surgery.
If you would like to learn more about Labia Puffing or Labiaplasty, complete our booking request form or call Sadove Plastic Surgery in Gainesville at 352-234-3334 and one of our friendly staff members will be happy to help you.