Age and or weight loss may lead to loss of body fat in the face, breast, and labia. Rejuvenation of the face is often performed with injections including fat. The breast is often rejuvenated with implants. So too, the genital area volume loss is treated with fat grafting in order to return the area to a more youthful appearance. Even a plum was once full and smooth before time turned it into a prune.
This is an office based procedure under local anesthesia. There is little discomfort after treatment and little time off work is required.
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The patient in this photo requested a large volume fat graft for a very long term result. This is a “non surgical” in office procedure under local anesthesia.
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Labia puff is also performed more conservatively, with small volumes of hyluronic acid Juvederm-like materials. The advantage is the ease of an “off the shelf” product, but only 1 cc of filler material will be a slower rate of change. This is fine for those who prefer it. A slow change is made over a longer period of time.